Friday, April 20, 2007

Perilous Days

A roommate that I had when I first lived in Charlottesville Virginia, Rev. Manney Murphy once said "We live in perilous times."
I used to nod my head in agreement but the truth of that statement really hit me this week.
In convocation on Wednesday, Jerry Falwell reminded us that no one is safe,
"What happened at Virginia Tech could happen to us or any campus in America."
Liberty has sent many of its pastors and and counselors to the VA Tech campus to help those involved cope with the loss.

I am not in shock that something like this has happened. This is the fallen world and the time that we live in. I am not shocked that people with a political agenda are taking this moment not to offer condolences or prayers for those involved but to try and gain some ground in their career.
We often don't focus on what is really important in this life. Sometimes things like this can help us gain a proper perspective on life and the things that we value.
What is really important? What is at the top of your list?

We need to love as much as we can and I mean real love not butterfly feelings or infatuation.
Real love. The kind of love that hurts sometimes to show. The kind of love that costs something. Love on those that are rejected, picked on, left out. Love the "uncool", the unfashionable the unique. If someone needs help don't be afraid to stand up for them or get them the help that they need even if it might make them angry for a moment. You might save their life or the life someone else

We need to make the most of every moment that we have. This fragile life is short,
"Life is a vapor that is there one moment and gone the next."

You only get one life, LIVE IT! ! ! ! LIVE IT WELL! ! ! ! LIVE IT RIGHT! ! ! !

Say what you want to say today, tell the ones you love how you feel. Don't go to sleep mad don't let someone leave your presence hurt by you. Don't let anyone you love doubt whether you love them. You are not guaranteed tomorrow.
"Do not boast yourselves of tomorrow."

Last but not least. Know where you are going. When this life ends for you, and don't be deceived, it does for everyone. Where will you go when you pass from this place? You get two choices, Heaven or Hell.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" - Romans 3:23
By our own choice we all sin and fall short of Heaven, by our own choice, we choose Hell.

"For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 6:23

The last is verse is very clear. Jesus wants you to have eternal life in Him, but you get to choose where you will go. He will not force you to do anything. A loving God won't send you to Hell, you do. He has made a way out for you but you have to take it and once this life ends you have lost your chance. There is only one way,

"Jesus answered him, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me."

If you have any questions I would love to talk to you about this. The choice is yours.

My heart goes out to all who are suffering after what has happened at Virginia Tech. You have my prayers and my deepest sympathy.

If you do know someone who has lost someone, love them. Do whatever you can for them. Help them cry. There life has changed forever.

I would also like to encourage anyone out there who has not lost someone because of this tragedy to pray for those who have, don't point fingers. Do something to help, give blood, volunteer, help and love all people wherever you are.
"Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness." -- Chinese Proverb

Remember to live everyday like it is your last. We live in perilous times.
Take care and God bless you all.

Kevin King

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